Hi, we’re Super-Sub.

A crack squad of game-changers giving you access to global partnership marketing experts when and where you need them.

Super-Sub works by adding game-changing thinking to power existing teams. By adding our sponsorship knowledge and capabilities to your current resources, we’re able to drive stronger, faster and more efficient outcomes for your business.

Strength of ONE drives the power of MANY

Our value has been derived from over 20 years in the sponsorship industry and designed to help you LEARN, PLAN and PLAY with sponsorship to better effect. Get in touch to find out how we can help you maximise outcomes while reducing the cost of leveraging sponsorship.

We provide solutions in sports, entertainment, arts and cause, and work with existing teams within agencies, brands and rights-holders.

Unlock Game-Changing Thinking



Is sponsorship new to your organisation? Do you have existing properties from previous leadership? Are you struggling for internal capabilities? Whatever your challenge, we provide a range of solutions to help you increase the knowledge and comprehension to maximise your opportunity.


Too often, adequate planning isn’t given to the rationale, approach and integration of sponsorships. You wouldn’t buy media without a robust strategy, so don’t do the same with sponsorship. We have simplified the strategic process which dramatically cuts the time and cost out of building a solid foundation.


Don’t start with assets, start with a clear purpose and idea. Establishing the right objectives is an art. We power existing agency resources to help them arrive at the most powerful creative brief and help to drive their campaign concepts seamlessly through to sell-in and evaluation.


“If you want different results, do not do the same things”

— Albert Einstein

It’s time to change the game and bring on the Super-Sub…